We invest in the eCommerce of tomorrow, today

The future is more sustainable and inclusive. Let's activate the best-in-class for-profit companies with a positive impact on the world.

Social Impact Drives Returns

Companies, services and brands that seek to solve problems, improve society and reduce environmental harm are the future of investing. Sustainable and ethical business practices are becoming a leading driver for brand loyalty and preference, both of which are reflected in company profits and returns on investments.

Purpose driven companies grow 3x faster than their competition. Source

More about us

Our approach



Our portfolio is balanced with companies led by women or BIPOC entrepreneurs



We focus on products that address a variety of environmental or social issues, such as reducing waste, empowering underserved communities or enhancing food security



We seek out companies that not only provide returns for investors, but employ business models that allocate a portion of profits towards philanthropy and social impact, especially for local or indigenous peoples.

Our stats

We partner with startups looking to solve global environmental and social challenges




Invested capital




Years of experience

Industries we invest in

Mobile And Tablets Apps - Investor X Webflow Template

Social Impact Brands

eCommerce brands that prioritize doing work that consciously, systemically, and sustainably serves or attempts to solve a local or global community need

Cloud - Investor X Webflow Template


Two sided marketplaces connecting socially responsible companies with businesses and/or consumers

Software - Investor X Webflow Template

Enablement Technologies

Software as A Service (SaaS) platforms connecting socially responsible companies with businesses and/or consumers